Competencies Training
Competencies training typically includes required training for specialized groups. This could include professional development, train-the-trainer, managerial training, or leadership training. This type of training is usually delivered in-seat or through a blended learning model. Mentorship is easily incorporated into this learning model. Effective delivery choices typically include handbooks, live training, on-demand video webinars, and through an LMS to ensure accurate reporting.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
This video is an introduction to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. This is an instructional video that I made on the topic of PTSD. This will give you an idea of my presentation skills and ability to deliver web-based training. I am very comfortable providing instruction on a variety of topics. This topic is so important for L&D professionals. I am very proficient at providing expertise in training L&D professionals in your organization.
Personal Leadership Development
The goal of the course is to assist each student to become a more informed and effective leader in his or her intended work and community setting. The following foundational topics in leadership are included: Overview of key leadership theories and models; differences between management and leadership; followership, influence, and power; and introduction to leadership coaching. Several self-assessments are used during the class.

This program consists of four courses. Instructional Design is the practice of creating meaningful and timely learning experiences for direct application in the workplace. This certificate program will provide you with the skills you need to develop efficient, effective, and engaging courses. We address the current demands of this profession as related to us by learning managers who work in this field. We teach you both theory and practice so that you have the knowledge and skills you need to go get a job after you have earned your certificate. Through this program, we certified 30 Instructional Designers.
Instructional Design Certificate Program
Introduction to Instructional Design - This class covers the essence of what it means to be an instructional designer. It describes the nature of the work, the core learning theories behind the work, and industry best practices for doing the work, and begins to teach participants how they can become employed as instructional designers.
Instructional Design in Corporate Environments - While there are many venues in which instructional design can be practiced, the vast majority of jobs in this field involve working with or for corporate employers. To be successful, it is necessary to understand the culture of the company, identify key project members (e.g. stakeholders and subject matter experts),
gain knowledge of the project’s learning and business objectives, assimilate relevant technologies that will be used, and discover the attributes of the people who will receive the instruction. Using case studies, this class walks participants through simulations of all these processes.
Instructional Design Technologies - In this class, participants will be introduced to a wide range of applications they will likely
need to work in this field. Included are sections on programs for storyboarding the learning, creating interactive content, and working with common learning management systems that typically serve as the online interface between participants and the instruction being delivered.
Gamification and Instructional Design - This course strategically and intentionally teaches strategies to incorporate these thoughtfully innovative processes into the instructional design and curriculum development practice. After taking this course, participants will be able to effectively understand the gamification
process and then pragmatically apply these structures to engage learners through active and engaging instructional design both digitally and non-digitally. This course is set up as a game with game elements and game rewards.
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Introduction to Leadership Development & Coaching
This course offers learners a comprehensive, relevant perspective on leadership and coaching leaders. While the course provides grounding in important concepts, it also stresses application to professional and community settings. Learners have an opportunity to practice in groups. Learners analyze concepts such as leading as an interactive process, leading with innovation and creativity, escaping from embedded practices, and embracing new leadership principles. This course provides learners with a contemporary study of leadership and developing leadership in others.
Course Learning Outcomes
The learner will develop an understanding of the purposes and types of leadership in organizations.
The learner will develop strategies for building leadership capacity in organizations.
The learner will compare and contrast a variety of coaching and leadership development approaches.
The learner will gain skills in developing leadership in others through coaching skills.
This is Day 2 of the Beta version of the Leadership Development and Coaching course. This video explains my process.

This is Day 3 of the final, published Storyline 3 course. This entire project took 3 days from start to finish. I started with the Alpha, created a Beta, and then finetuned the presentation into a final iteration.